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ESL Shipping Ltd, part of ASPO Plc, is building two large LNG-powered bulk carriers at state owned SINOTRANS & CSC Shipbuilding Jinling-shipyard in...
Yksi miehistön jäsen on kadonnut irtolastialus Talilta. Alus lähti Kokkolan satamasta eilen 30.3.2017 klo 18:50 ja katoaminen havaittiin...
ESL Shipping and Sinotrans & CSC Shipbuilding Industry Corporation have agreed to assign building of ESL Shipping’s extremely energy efficient...
ESL Shipping’s ice-strengthened supramax vessel Arkadia has been contracted to transport iron ore from Mary River Ore Mine, Canada to Bremen,...
ESL Shipping’s barge Espa becomes a floating beach and events center for Hernesaaren ranta events area in southern Helsinki for the coming summer....
9 seafarers from ESL Shipping has been chosen to take part in ForMare wellness program. They will be part of a group starting in January 2016....
ESL Shipping Ltd and the steel company SSAB have signed a long-term frame agreement covering SSAB’s inbound raw material sea transports within the...
ESL Shipping and AB Fortum Värme have signed an agreement for biofuel transport. The agreement provides ESL Shipping with access to the renewable...
The Finnish TV channel Nelonen has a series entitled Katastrofin anatomia (Anatomy of Disaster). It tells of events that shook the country. The tenth...
Master Mariner Mikko Rausti (age 39) has been nominated the company’s Sea Personnel Manager from April 7, 2015. His responsibilities include...