ESL Shipping publishes Sustainability Report 2017
ESL Shipping, the leading carrier of dry bulk cargoes in the Baltic region has today published its first dedicated Sustainability Report. The company shall also continue reporting its environmental, social and economic performance on its website and as a part of parent company Aspo’s regulatory reporting.
“During last few years we have devoted a lot of time and resources to improve our human and technology standards, but we acknowledge we still are far away from being perfect and a lot of work remains. This report shows our commitment to responsibility and openness”, says Mikki Koskinen, Managing Director of ESL Shipping.
Some highlights of the report:
- Retention rate remained high and was 95 %.
- Lost time injury frequency decreased by 67 % compared to 2016.
- Noise emissions at port of ms Eira decreased by 30 % after installation of additional silencer.
- 101 maritime students participated onboard training on ESL Shipping’s vessels.
- Consumption per cargo ton remained on a same level compared to 2016.
- Sulphur emissions decreased by 23 % compared to 2016.
- Net sales increased to 79.3 MEUR and operating profit to 13.5 MEUR.
You can download full report by clicking the button below:
The report can also be read in your browser here.
For more information, please contact:
Mikki Koskinen, Managing Director, ESL Shipping Ltd,
puh. +358 50 351 7791,