ESL Shipping Ltd to participate in ForMare wellness program, organized by Finnish Seamen’s Service MEPA
9 seafarers from ESL Shipping has been chosen to take part in ForMare wellness program. They will be part of a group starting in January 2016. ForMare is organized by Finnish Seamen’s Service MEPA and the program will last over three years for participants.
Working at sea is often referred to be demanding because of its special nature. Purpose of the ForMare program is to be preventive model for seafarers to stay in better shape both physically and mentally and support them to pay attention to matters like diet, exercising and well-being in total. Program is consisted of meetings, lectures and personal guidance. As employees are one of the company’s key assets, it’s vital that everyone working with ESL Shipping’s logo on their chest is healthy, satisfied and will retain on our fleet.
About ForMare, year 2016 will be just 3 rd time the program is arranged. While the first two groups are on their later stages now, the results have so far been stunning. That has encouraged us to invest and take part in to the program for the first time. Initially there were 5 spots on the program assigned for us. Because of good cooperation with MEPA and great interest from our company toward the program, we were able to increase the number by 4 to total of 9 spots!
Many thanks in advance to MEPA for arranging the program and selecting our motivated seafarers. We hope and believe the program will be beneficial for all sides as healthy employee is a common target!
We wish a good luck for each and everyone chosen to ForMare program!
For more information, please contact:
Mikko Rausti, Sea Personnel Manager, ESL Shipping Ltd.
tel +358 9 521 9933,
More information about ForMare wellness program, please see MEPA’s website.